Trinity Continuum Airwaves

Geeking out about the Trinity Continuum

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Assassins and ISRA!


Talking about the POD copy of TC: Assassins, as well as geeking out over the coolness of the ISRA in the Aeon era.

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 9 MB - Duration: 12:16m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Artifact Problems!


Talking about all of the new books coming down the pipe for Trinity, and then laying into the super science and artifact creation wonkiness.

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 19 MB - Duration: 26:08m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Eden is Awesome!


Talking about the planet Eden in Aeon, plus generating sample characters for my new Core adventure!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 13 MB - Duration: 18:12m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)


This short episode is my attempt at creating audio and video content simultaneously. We also talk about story ideas for Aeon games!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 20 MB - Duration: 11:02m (248 kbps 48000 Hz)
That's an (Aether) Wrap!


Talking about the end of the Aether Kickstarter, the stats, the hope for the future, and the last chapter (spoiler-free!), and other surprises!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 9 MB - Duration: 12:20m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Aetheric Gifts!


Talking about the aetheric gifts chapter and all of the juicy goodness therein! Also, did you notice the new podcast cover? Made by my apparatus (Midjourney)!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 18 MB - Duration: 25:28m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Aether Mechanics!


We talk about the Onyx Path GenCon online panels and the Aether mechanics chapter of the preview manuscript!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 16 MB - Duration: 22:10m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Squires, Gogs, and Magogs!


Talking about what we've learned about the three tiers of Aether play from the chapter on Squires, Gogs, and Magogs, and maybe what the future could hold for the Trinity Continuum.

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 6 MB - Duration: 9:18m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Interview with Kim Godwin!


We talk with Kim Godwin, the writer for the chapter on Aether Societies for the new book!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 13 MB - Duration: 18:52m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)
Aether Societies!


Talking about the current status of the Trinity Continuum Aether Kickstarter and a couple of the new Societies in Manuscript Preview #2 that dropped today - Plus goblin tunnels!

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 10 MB - Duration: 14:06m (974 kbps 44100 Hz)

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